hi gang what is the procedure for changing pal format to ntsl with nero 7 recode...im pulling my hair out....tanks. benbernie
Hey benbernie Stop pulling your hair out - Recode doesn't convert PAL to NTSC. You'll need to use Vision to do that.
hi karen im way ahead of u.its vesion is doing it as we speak.its just taking soooooo long. lenny aka benbernie
Yeah lenny Vision does take longer but it does a little tougher job than Recode like it converts formats to dvd compliant - changes fps (frames per second) to meet NTSC if it's in PAL format.
hi im still in the dark about this converting process.i used nero 7 vision to put the dvd into the computer.then i opened recode and it wanted to reinsert the same dvd i used to put the dvd into my computer before.why is it ask to do the same thing twice??how do i remove a dvd i had alrea -dy done?? benbernie
Hey Lennie I'm a bit confused - you converted to NTSC w/ Vision but then using Recode? You should be able to convert and burn w/ Vision.