Hi.. apologies in advance if this question is ridiculous! I have sky sports etc paid for on my nthell box. Is it possible to bring your box to someone else's house (who has nthell but not the sports) and use it there to watch the sports?? Cheers..
and why folk havent ordered multiroom and give the other boxs to a friend or family member and split the cost between em I will never know. For example, Jimmy pays for Sports n ESPN - Thats 40 Euros a month, he orders 2 other boxs for multiroom, thats 8.00 per mnth, per box. So the total cost is say approx 60 Euros taking approx figures. Split the cost, thats 20 euros per month per person. Big saving aint it
Mickah that's what I'm looking into atm. The question I'm trying to get answered is... When you subscribe to multiroom do you get extra cards with the boxes? Oh and to answer your question... Irish people (by majority) just won't work together. I think it goes back to the class room where one fella would be singled out for a beating and all the others were forced to watch him suffer. But can't say for sure.
I was on another forum last week and read a very interesting thread. It seems that in a road in Birmingham 4 houses that decided to get a satilite. What then Happened was one house got the satilite and muti viewing for 4 rooms. Once this was all set up they then put longer cables from the satlite to each of the four houses and share the cost of having everything. Now i dont no if this possible to do but it was a interesting read nether the less.
thats caused they put a quad lnb on the dish and just ran 4 boxs from it, a lot of folk or pubs do this
So it can be done, i tought this was just a lot of rubbish talk. Right im off to my have a talk with my neighbours he he So anyone no what the max boxes you can get to work of one satelite
You can get an octo lnb (8). Mind you whether they'll give you eight boxes on one sub is another thing.