I used a guide on afterdawn to try and convert an MPEG video so that I could burn/author it to a DVD-R for playback on a DVD player...I had intended it to be burnt ala a VCD on a DVD-R but I am not sure where I have gotten so far...The last step of the guide has me trying to author my finished conversions of the MPEG file (A m2v video file and an mpa audio file) via their recommended SpruceUp software...I downloaded everything, I followed the guide but I cannot get SpruceUp to even load the m2v file...It keeps telling me that it's an improper video file...In the end, I really need some help on how to either author the m2v video file with the mpa audio file onto a DVD-R for playback in a DVD player ala VCDs or simply convert the existing files into DVD files (i.e. VOB etc.) so I can burn via Nero or something...Thanks
What does that mean? If you've got Nero 6, drop your MPEG's into NeroVision Express to burn them to DVD.
You missed one very improtant step - locate it here, under #3. It's called, FORUM RULES, READ THEM - DO NOT DOUBLE-POST You make me feel my time is valuless, I replied to one of your threads only to see you ask the same question of others -