using xecuter2

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by uggs, Apr 6, 2006.

  1. uggs

    uggs Guest

    Dont no Much about This but want to back up a game unto xbox hard disk tryed using bsck up option doed not seem to do anything
    there are games all ready stored there which i can play can anyone help
  2. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    do you have working modded xbox?
  3. uggs

    uggs Guest

    yes i think so it apears to play the previous baked up games that game with it just not sure how to store any new games to hard disk to tranfer to computer using ftp that will be the next step hopefully
    how can i check that it is working correctly
  4. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    which dashboard do you have? who mod the xbox for you?
  5. uggs

    uggs Guest

    ms dashboard if that makes any sense it was bought modded ebay
  6. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    What ms dash? that does not make sene. If you have the original msdash when boot up the xbox, then your xbox is not modded.
  7. uggs

    uggs Guest

    evelution x is on the bottom left of the screen sorry i am not making much sense ms dash board is just one of the otions that appears on the screen can find xbox copy under launch menu it this the right method dont want to make a mess of this if possible
  8. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

  9. uggs

    uggs Guest

    not much will look at that do you think it is amodded x box
    can i use the xbox copy option to transfer the game to the x boxes hard drive also can games that are their allredy be deleted from the x box hard drive without me connecting it to the computer i will be using a cross over cable

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