Eli uusi exploit on löydetty ja se toimii 2.81-3.03. . Valitettavasti tarvitset GTA: Liberty City Stories Unpatched (Huom. GTA:VCS ei kelpaa). Just a little while back, Fanjita wrote a small article on what the people with non-homebrew-able PSPs should do. In my opinion, waiting for an exploit was the most sensible thing to do. And boy, you guys didn't have to wait very long! The Noobz team has just come out with an exploit that works on all firmwares up to 3.03, which is the latest firmware Sony has been able to come up with! This means that every firmware available currently is hackable and hopefully, downgradeable soon! Täältä voi lukea kokojutun: http://pspupdates.qj.net/Goofy-expl...irmwares-2-0-3-03-with-video-/pg/49/aid/80581 Tämä on loistava uutinen kaikille PSP:n käyttäjille ja toivottavasti kohta valmistuu DG.
YES!! Päivitin tuon demo-ominaisuuden himossa tuon 3.02:een ja nyt kun haluaisin noita PSX:n pelejä pelailla niin pitäisi olla 1.5 Toivottavasti dg tulee (jos on tullakseen) ennen hiihtolomaa.