Uusi ps3 mediaserver beta ladattavissa

Discussion in 'PS3' started by armani83, Feb 2, 2010.

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  1. armani83

    armani83 Regular member

    May 2, 2007
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    Nyt on ps3 mediaserver päivittynyt uuteen beta versioon.


    muutoksia aikasempiin versioihin:

    * Mplayer builds from 2010-01-19 (Regular and MT): http://oss.netfarm.it/mplayer-win32.php
    * DVD ISO muxing enabled by default + DTS support (need some tests :p). It's an option in the transcode settings panel
    * New Mplayer build font cache should build if needed at start
    * Definitive removal of the tsmuxer mpeg parser (slow and now unnecessary with recent ffmpeg builds)
    * New option to avoid music files resampling
    * Better support for simultaneous usage with several ps3s/renderers (need tests as well)
    * Better support for Sony Bravia TVs for all regions (no need to tweak that conf file by hand)
    * 5.0 Audio channel support
    * Small fixes
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