I have several albums that are compilations of various artists. When I put them into Itunes, instead of getting 1 album with multiple artists, I get 12 of the same album with just 1 artist. I'm sure there's a way to change this but I can't seem to find it.
Do you want each artist to be listed separate or what would you like to do, i didnt quite understood your question.
I want 1 album to show up in the cover flow with all the artists on that album listed. Currently I have 12 of the same album in the cover flow and each has a different artist listed. I tried checking the group compilations option but it didn't help.
ok i know no i had that problem, well unfortunally you gonna have to go manually click on the first file click get info and modify manually, copy the album tittle then click next make sure all the album titles are identical by copying the first one and pasting it on all the other songs you will make sure they all exactly the same do that on the album title and album artist do the same from the first song to the last. is a known flaw on itunes they havent got around to fix it.
Hmmm.... I don't see me changing the artist and song titles so I'll just have to put up with multiples. Thanks
Ok Look At my examples, to give you an idea what im talking about, is a little of a pain but the end result is worth it, you wont have many tittles showing the same album cover.
Although this problem will be found with all ripping software, the fix is much easier with third party audio management software. Any after market audio management software can run circles around OEM software. The OME major focus is to make the user spend more money on their products, while the after market software is only concerned with pleasing the user. The difference is 'jaw dropping'. I am sure I am picker than the average ipod user. I prefer to use the best as long as it does not cost me much. Other users are loyal to Apple as Apple treats them like the livestock they are but that is their choice. I use a seperate software to rip than to manage. iTunes' ripper is only a Ford while Media Monkey's ripper is a BMW but I use PowerAmp to rip that is a Maserati. That uses the preferred encoder used by pros and audio extreamists. Tunes ripped with LAME encoder in VBR in the extream mode with slow/careful analysis mode produces a highly compressed mp3 which sounds identical to the source by the human ear. The compression varies because some music compresses better than other music. In that mode, the critera is compress as best you can but the compression must be transparent to the human ear. I use Media Monkey. It will a allow a group update of tags. However, if you use it to sync your ipod you may need to uninstall iTunes. iTunes will try to bugger an ipod synced with enemy software. The itunes messages are worded so that the enemy software is blamed. It obviously screws up the ipod than flashes a message saying it detected errors on the ipod. However, the problems dissapear with the removal of iTunes. I kept both softwares until MM could sync videos. MM has super syncing software. You can sync using about any method you could concieve of. I use the auto-sync where you have a list of play lists to sync. If the lists change, MM removes/adds the tunes accordingly. It provides a 'hitlist' of tunes it will delete. You can easily modify that list. This is a must have for flash players. I usually swap out a gig of tunes every week so I never get bored with the tunes on my 4 gig nano. You can aso send tunes to the attached ipod by highlighting them. The best part about the sync it doesn't secretly alter the tunes it puts on the ipod. I don't like waiting for iTunes to recoding my tunes to an inferior format just because the tunes were not encoded with an Apple encoder. The difference is not transparent. With Koss Earplugs I can hear the difference between my mp3s and the converted crap on the ipod. I was plesently surprized the first time I synced with MM. You can't hear the difference with standard ipod ear buds because they suck! You might be able to tell the difference with their high end buds for $100. The Koss only cost $15 and they have a life time warentee and come with extra soft parts. Their soft parts last infinitely longer than iPod rubbers that are not replacable. They want you to buy buds several times a year and designed the buds to make that happen. The free version of MM is an iTune killer!
Thanks I'll be lookin' into what you said. And just so you know, as far as cattle are concerned, I'm the one on the other side of the fence. I hate the Apple culture they just seem to have the best mp3 player for my $$$ right now. Thanks again
Then you will like the Media Monkey culture. The forum is loaded with people that are not cattle. You can easily check out the music on you ipod by using file explorer. The music is in a hidden folder called control (if I remember correctly). There are sub folders. Apple obliderates the names making it harder to take music from a pod. However, you can see all the extentions will be .m4a. If you have PowerAmp ripper/converter it will display the tag info if you leave your arrow on a file in File Explorer. Matchbox is another well respected audio manager. I have never looked at it because Media Monkey was love at first sight for me. Winamp is another quality manager but that has been reported as having too many cattle or AHoles as someone else put it.