I have a friend who had some pictures taken. The photographer gave her the pictures back on a VCD and all the images are in .dat files. She can only view the images on a DVD player. Does anyone know how to extract the images from the .dat files into a usable format like jpeg? Thanks!
First, as it is written in the 'sticky' thread, the AVSEQ01.DAT file must be converted into a 'True MPEG' first with VCDgear of VCDEasy (registered version). After that, you'll have a 'MPEG still' which contains all the photos. After tat, you'll need something which converts tat MPEG still into the photos. VCDEasy and VCDGears aren't able to do that. After that you'll need a played (I never had one) to see the phosts and, if tou can see them, you will be able to asve the photos as JPG (at least doing ALT+print then pasing the screen ot the PC in Windows Paint, then remeving from that image everything iss not your photo).