Hello, Does anybody know how I can create a menu for my VCD film that i made. I just want to create a menu similar to DVD's, so that if i press PLAY the film will play and if I press CHAPTER SELECTION, i should be able to choose chapter that i want to watch. The VCD file is AVSEQxx.DAT Most of the softwares around can only do DVD and not VCD.
I have nero 7 and I use Nero Vision 4. I can create chapters but it does not allow me to create a PLAY menu. Even with CHAPTER SELECTION menu that i created, I am having problem moving from one chapter to the other when playing on my DVD player - chapter 1 is highlighted on my player and I can only play Chapter 1 and I cannot move to the other chapters, but if I press 2 it play chapter 2 and if press 3 it plays chapter 3 etc.... As i have said, it does allow me to create PLAY menu. What do i do? Any ideas