Can someone explain to me what are the differences between VCD, SVCD, KVCD and which ones the best to create from a mpeg movie file and use. Or if there is anything better other than VCD, SVCD, KVCD please let me know. Also can someone explain to me how to create it. I have a mpeg movie file and want to create a playable movie, which I can play on a standalone DVD player. Open to all suggestions...
first thing, its the wrong topic. but anyway. vcd - resolution 352x240, mpeg1 svcd - resolution 480x480, mpeg2 kvcd - 352x240, with more customization for compressibility, which may or may not pla properly on a standalone. modo, could you move this thread. beermike, how about details on your source.
Ohh sorry where should this topic be and what do you mean by source. It's a mpeg movie file well atleast that's wat the file says.
Ok I'll try yo clarify what I need help with... I have a Mpeg1 NTSC SIF (352x240/30FPS) file which I believe is kvcd converted mpeg. Now what I want to do is create a best possible quality and sounnd playable cd/dvd that'll play on most or even all if possible standalone dvd players.
anyway i'll just make a post. yes, what you get there is indeed a vcd, what differentiate it from kvcd is the CQM (custom quant matrix) the best quality is to burn it as it is as a vcd. asy reencoding or even upsampling is useless and only waste bits.