I'm fairly new to all this...but... I have transfered a VHS tape to a DVD with my DVD recorder. I now want to transfer the data to my PC.. and edit it. I see files like 'VTS_01_1.VOB'.. Is that the complete file? Any recommendations how I can fulfill my wishes? Barry
Well Yes the "VOB" files are the Mpeg2 video files, If there are Multiple VOB files then you should use a Program like "Smartripper" to Rip the Vob files to your Hard drive as a Single Vob file as opposed to a Bunch of little ones.... There are Very few programs that can properly edit Vob files because they generally have Dolby AC3 audio with very few editors support, One that does is "Womble Mpeg2VCR" and it will edit without degradeing the quality which most all other editors will..
I converted with StreamRipper a VOB file to mpeg..I now want to edit(film comprises of a concert and I want to separate the tracks). I tried using TMPGEnc but when I go to the cut file.. I only have the video, no audio. Can anyone help?
This is because the Editor in Tmpgenc doesn"t support Dolby AC3 audio which is the format used in most VOB files... Like I explained in my Last post there are very few editors that will support the Dolby AC3 audio that is used in VOB files so you have to use an editor that does support it like the one I mentioned called "Womble Mpeg2VCR"..."Ulead Media Studio Pro 7" also suppurts AC3 audio in Vob files but you have to rename the .Vob file to .mpg...Those Programs are all Pay for Programs, the only editor I know of that will Cut VOB files(It will not join them) is a freeware program called "Chopper XP" which you can download here: http://www.digital-miner.com/software/chopperxp.zip Cheers