can any 1 tell me a software which can convert video files to real video format for my nokia cellfone ? well it would be better if its a freeware .
That's a new one - most people can't wait to convert FROM Realmedia formats. According to's Tools database, Winavi is the only program out there that can do this. I have Winavi but have never tried to do that, but it's a user-friendly program. It's not freeware though it's cheap, and the trial version will watermark any videos you make.
well thanks for ur reply but i already got winavi itz kool but there is sound problem it is very low .do u know any more softwarez .thx in advance
No, I believe it is the only product that converts to RM. AFAIK even RealNetworks doesn't offer a product to do this, though you can take a look and see for yourself. Bear in mind that their products are still considered spyware though.
RealPlayer/RealONE, RealJukebox (which was one of the first ever discovered, poke around to real the story.)