Sorry, I am new to all this and I have been reading all over here truing to figure out what to do, and exactly how to do it. Apparently, I have read too much info and if have messed up on my file that was originally an mpeg file. I ran netgear, and I did something sill(forgive me, as I am a blonde lol) and I clicked mpeg to mpeg and check for errors, and then somehow i saved it wrong or click in the wrong spot, and now I cant seem to figure out what the heck to do. I did try to originally burn it on nero 5.5 and it said it was complete but when I went to play it, it was blank. I also now cannot use the tmpge program cuz its not reading it as a valid file. Note: I did originally try to run this program, and I got an error message, which I cannot remember what it is because I have had SO many in the past two days since I have been trying to convert this over to vcd :S I think I am doing too many steps somehow and I screwed it up. I thought I had lost the mpeg as well, but I found it in the recycle bin, but now it is has this extension TS-TOP Also I have this file XviD Dvd-Rip. avi so what is it, and .avi or an XviD file or how to convert that one?? *cries* Can anyone help me with this problem?? :s Sorry if this is the wrong forum, I did not know where to put it. I have also read here that Nero is kinda flooky with burning to vcd, so is EZ cd creator a better way to go?? Oh I should point out that I know that this is in fact the .mpeg file because the mouse over state it has 768 kb and it says .avi so I am hoping not all is lost with this mpeg??
Nero is lame for converting. It is goot to make MPEG-1 ---> VCD and MPEG-2 --> SVCD. Use (VCD/SVCD) or (KVCD).