verbatim, help please

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by mrcamo, Dec 28, 2006.

  1. mrcamo

    mrcamo Guest

    hi guys

    the burnner in my laptop is a (sony dvd+-rw dw-q58a),which verbatim disc will give me my best picture.

    i'm useing window xp,& plan to use these programs (ripit4me,dvd shrink & imgburn)

    just wondering,how many burns can i expect to get out of my sony.

    any help or comments will greatly appreciate. thank you all
  2. res2cue

    res2cue Guest

    ummmm, not quite sure what you are looking for here... 16x verb and burn at 8x (debateable whether or not to burn at 16x) and you can expect to be able to burn many 100's with that burner? Each burner is different.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 28, 2006
  3. mrcamo

    mrcamo Guest

    sorry guys,

    i'm a newbie. should i use dvd-r or dvd+r disc & does it really matter.
  4. res2cue

    res2cue Guest

    as for + or -, if you have a choice go with -. As far as I know and someone can correct me if I'm wrong, they are more compatible with older machines and generally give you less problems.This thread here should answer a few of your questions.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 28, 2006
  5. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    I would go with +Rs; for the main reason that they can be booktyped to DVD-ROM(if your burner is capable). They are more recognizable to stand alone players this way. -R media is cheaper online, but - and + R are the same price in B&M stores. Try both and see which your players like best.
  6. mrcamo

    mrcamo Guest

    thanks guy yall are great & very helpful here at afterdawn.

    again thanks

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