Hi, Just got a Spindle of Verbatim Datalife 52x/700MB CD-Rs with white label side. This is what Nero CD-Speed tells me... Manufacturer : CMC Magnetics Code : 97m26s66f Disc Type : CD-R Usage : General Recording Layer : Dye Type 6: Short Strategy (Phthalocyanine) Recording Speed : n/a Capacity : 79:59.71 703 MB Additional Capacity : n/a Overburn Capacity : not tested The paper label (on the spindle) does tells me Verbatim is a Subsidiary Of Mitsubishi, but these discs were manufactured by CMC. Unless its just a left over ATIP code? Anyone else finding Verbatims made by CMC? TOM...
If you want the good Verbatims you need to make sure they say AZO or mention using Mitsubishi dye. The only ones I've seen like this are the DataLife Plus. AFAIK the regular DataLife discs are all CMC.
Any CDR pack with 2 half inch across (one on top of the other) white rings on the spindle (on top of the top disc) is made by CMC. I avoid those as past experience with 40x Imation (CMC) & some CMC made 48x Memorex won't burn reliably above 32x (on my computer) regardless of the disc or outer label speed. In fact I had some colored 40x marked Memorex CMC discs that wouldn't burn above 24x without lots of errors I'll never buy CMC made discs again...
????? I just recieved a 100 spindle of Verbatim DataLifePlus Super AZO that had the white rings and they ID as Mutsubishi Chemicals Corp. which is top quality. The difference in the Verbatim line is just as vurbal stated - regular DataLife are CMC or whoever and the DataLifePlus Super AZO are MCC. The white rings are for kepping the discs in place during shipping and handling. _X_X_X_X_X_[small] JMLS-166S/Plextor PX-708A/Plextor Premium[/small]
I hope I'm not out of line with my question but I just bought a double 15 pack of Verbatim Datalife DVD+RW at Sams Club and am wondering if the same applies. Also can a person use the RW disc to copy movies and if so is there a draw back in doing so?
jvwheel Aside from player incompatibility issues with +RW discs there shouldnt be a problem. mr_lemon: I have also encountered the occasional Verbatim/CMC disc however, I'm a fan of CMC and I'll stand by it: the disc should be more than suitable for any task you throw at it -- of course its no Mitsubishi -- but then again its not a Prodisc either.
Thanks Praetor, I just bought these yesterday and was concerned - thought about returning them - but as far as compatability goes I have a medium priced Sony player and it plays any disc I throw at it. It seems one can't rely on brand name anymore. In the old days if it was Verbatim it was gold. After posting I read more and saw the post about NERO test. I ran the test and it appears the disc are good - turn's out they're made by Ricoh. Just got NERO and I'm finding it a kick-ass program. Thanks again. There is a lot to be learned from this site. JV
Quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Any CDR pack with 2 half inch across (one on top of the other) white rings on the spindle (on top of the top disc) is made by CMC. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ????? I just recieved a 100 spindle of Verbatim DataLifePlus Super AZO that had the white rings and they ID as Mutsubishi Chemicals Corp. which is top quality. The white rings are for kepping the discs in place during shipping and handling. (end quote) I've tried 4 different CDR brands with the 2 little white rings in the center & they were all made by CMC si if a CDR packsge has the 2 small rings (one on top of another) I avoid it since I don't like the low quality of CMC. Besides I can't get a CMC CDR disc to burn reliably above 32x (regardless of the speed marked on the disc) in my 52x TDK VeloCD drive without getting lots of dips (with Nero CD-DVD Speed) and c2 errors. So I won't buy any more discs (if I can help it) made by CMC...