verification errors

Discussion in 'DVD / Blu-ray drives' started by sobresal, Feb 15, 2006.

  1. sobresal

    sobresal Member

    Sep 4, 2005
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    I am using a lite-on SOHW-832S with the latest firmware, and with TY DVD-R 8 X discs. I've found recently they although Nero shows my discs as recording just fine, many have data on them which is unreadable, and if verified, I get read verification errors. This seems to be happening almost randomly, and across multiple batches of different discs. Most of my burns are good. But every now and then I get bad sectors. I have been going back and verifying many discs burned in the past, and a few always come up with bad sectors. Running CD-DVD speed, I found the following patterns: for whatever reason all of my bad sectors seem to show up in approximately the same area across multiple discs (3800-4000mb, when the scanner hits around 80-90%). Also all of the discs that seem to have the problem, are discs containing multiple folders containing many files, rather than discs containing just a few big files. However, I do have plenty of discs with many folders and files that did burn correctly. The fact that the bad sectors always seem to be in the same area of the burned DVD, makes me think maybe my writer has some problem which shows up when it reaches that area to write? Or could that just be a coincidence?
    Does anybody have any idea what is going on here? Is this a sign my burner is bad and needs to be replaced?
    Thanks for your help!!
  2. bigpete87

    bigpete87 Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    i got the same problem. the burning process always successful but sometime nero verify the DVD good and sometime bad/error (i.e. error Sector 0 to 31). i dont know if the laser is weak or the software is the conflict. my NEC ND3550A is updated with the latest Firmware 1Y.5 (modified F/W).

    BTW I used Maxell 8x (Made in Japan), DVD is under 4300MB, and burned it at 4x and still the verify process failed.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2006

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