Very new and need help... so confused..

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by joebuzudy, Jun 17, 2007.

  1. joebuzudy

    joebuzudy Member

    Jun 17, 2007
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    All this stuff highly confuses me.. I just got a modded xbox with a Duox2 Chip and I have no idea on how to do anything.. Can someone help me please? I am very new to this world.

    If I don't have a wireless router am I screwed for getting emulators and roms on my xbox? Also how do I backup my games to the xbox hard drive and load them up on there. I also don't know exactly what a crossover cable is and I need someone to explain to me what it is.. Can someone be nice enough to help me out?

    Also I don't have a DVD burner at all so is my modded xbox useless?
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2007

    JOHNSTARR Regular member

    Oct 30, 2005
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    Before I can help you I need to know when you power up your xbox, what do you see? Hopefully whom ever you got the xbox from has already put a dashboard like evox, avalanch, ect. If all is good look into applications section and hopefully there's a program called dvd2xbox. If so thats the program that will copy games to Xbox hard drive.

    A crossover cable is similar to an ethernet cable and they cost around 12$. If you need a more spacific answer google crossover cable.

    The one main problem I see is your xbox hard drive probably hasn't been upgraded. Most people that don't upgrade there hard drive usually play from burned discs. Xbox stock hard drive is only 10 gb
    so that's simply not much.

    You might want to invest 29$ in a dvd burner, if you need help finding 1, I'll find you a hot deal.

    Best wishes!
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2007
  3. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    96 need a DVD burner. Otherwise the nbest method for setting up your Xbox is out the window. That would be Slayer 2.7 auto installer.
    2. after using the above it will set up you main hacked dashboard, allow you to FTP, put on lots of emulators (not sure about roms), and also lots of great application. It is the only thing you need to get set up.

    3. A CAT5 crossover cable is a type of ethernet cable.
    There are crossover cables and strait through cables. You can tell the difference by looking at both ends. If the wires on both ends are in the same color order, it is a strait through cable. If different then it is a crossover.

    4. putting games on the hard drive can be done by FTP or by copying the original disc to the hard drive using DVD2Xbox, a program installed by Slayer 2,.7

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