Hello to all. I have noticed the past few weeks how slow my drive is burning. DVD's (vobs)that would normally take 40 mins or so to burn with nero 6 are now taking twice and sometimes three times as long to burn. It still does the job but takes far longer to get there. I know i'm a newbie and have gone through the usual checks but i fear this might be a software conflict of sorts. Can anyone help please .....
what windows are you using? if xp than goto device manager in system & look under ide controller properties to see if dma is enabled. what is your free ram & free hd space?
i have to admit i wouldn't have a clue how to find out. I have the technical ability of an earthworm on a bad day.
do a ctrl-alt-del for task manager to show up & check in performance tab on right hand side to see what is total ram, avaiable ram & cached ram.