VGA-out to HDMI-in issue

Discussion in 'HDTV discussion' started by LeslieC, Jun 28, 2009.

  1. LeslieC

    LeslieC Member

    Jun 28, 2009
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    I'm having a signal problem of which I'm not sure where to post it on this forum. If it's in the wrong topic, my apologies...

    What we're trying to do is to connect the VGA-out of a laptop to VGA-toHDMI convertor. This HDMI signal we put in a BlackMagic HDMI input (in other computer). With this computer we read the signal we get from the Blackmagic card (so we see the laptop screen).

    The issue that we're having is we see the screen flickering. (we see the screen and what is happening there, but every few seconds we get a black screen).

    Would anyone know how to solve this or where we should look for the problem? Is it the convertor device? VGA to HDMI issue? Could we be dealing with a HDCP problem? So, when two HDCP devices recognise each other, the signal is sent in full HD, but if one of the devices does not have HDCP there is no recognition and the signal is low resolution or even snow.

    If anyone should know of a forum or a resource where I could go look I'd be grateful!

    We're software developers and we have to build an application for this, so we are no experts in these audiovisual signals.

    Thanks in advance!
  2. elliott

    elliott Regular member

    Jan 21, 2004
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    I would suggest you use S-Video most laptops have this connection but not all otherwise go bact to vga to vga. Most likely you screen resolution is not supported by the tv and you need to try different resolutions a could base to start with is 1024x768 most screens will support that enough for you to then make further adjustments. I don't have much faith in those vga to hdmi adapters. My native resolution on a 37" hdtv with my laptop is 1280x720 this gives me 720p hd without any issues.

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