i would advise you not to try to copy a copyrighted vhs to a dvd if you cant copy it it is illegal and a federal offence to copy it you could end up in federal prison for 5 years And/or a $100.000 fine
Why bother. Just buy the movie. You can usually get it at a movie place previously viewed for a small price.
ignoring all the noobs who think that every macrovision protected tape is out on dvd (Muppet babies is not) and that macrovision detection is flawless (had this one on an old tape). Try a sima copy breaker or a Time Base Corrector (TBC)
Thanks everyone. I know about copyright laws and how cheap movies can be, that isn't the issue. There are some movies I cannot find on dvd. If I could I would gladly buy it! Spiesfan, I am going to PM you.
answered your PM but I believe this topic can be discussed in the forum and would prefer if you use this topic instead of PMs. Mods please correct if I'm wrong.
I used to have a similar issue when I "backed up" my old VHS tapes. I got round macrovision by sending the video signal via a small bax, which changed the sync-pluse. I assume this would work for VHS-DVD, just as it used to for my old VHS-VHS situation. I remember buying the box for about £40.