I recently got the Grand Theft Auto double pack, and I'm not supposed to have it(my mom's rule). I was wondering where to hid it and when to play it so I wouldn't get caught. Thanks, Trigun
Just install it in some strange folder and delete all the shortcuts from your desktop. Play it when your mom is sleeping...and remember to turn the speakers off, otherwise she'll wake up
Well, I have it one Xbox, I do turn the sound down really low and play it when she is at work, sleeping, watching T.V. in the living room(just switch to regular T.V. when she comes), and at town. I am currently hidding it in a tin box in my closet on a shelf. Is that good enough? I really don't want to lose it. Thanks, Trigun
sooner or later she will have to find the game. Don't worry too much, just hide it somewhere where it is safe. Try under the bed, under the matras or any place that you keep your other hidden items lol. If you have an old jacket or something you can put it in its pocket and make sure it is a hidden jacket and not in view. Well thats all i'll say for now good luck. Frank
Tell your mom to stop insulting you because she thinks you are too immature or stupid to own a game with just videogame violence. And it's not even realistic. Given that though, I would rather have a game with tons and tons of violence (with blood of course) than a game with realistic blood.
I agree with you 100% toiletman!!! Dont let anyone intimidate you by making you feel you arent responsible enough. Anyway if you are too afraid to do that then i would recommend you hide the game in your closet inside a piece of clothing you dont wear and put it all the way in the back of the closet (in back of all the other clothes and boxes and stuff).
well I personally think there is only one solution to never getting that game found by ur mum. Here is what you do. Take your game and bring it intoo your room. First i take it that you are taller than ur mom. Then find the highest peace of ffurniture in your room something that almost touches the ceiling. Place it on top, and Pile books over it just until you cant see the books on top from ur moms height, but incase you dont have something this tall another suggestion is to put someplace your mother would never go. You take your game and put it in the bag of your lawn mower, i guarentee that she will never find it. Good luck my fellow.