Hi guys. I use my Sony Mini DV dcr-hc62e camcorder as a webcam. It has worked fine for at least a year , but suddenly the view in the chatroom is very zoomed in. So for example if I look in the viewfinder on the camera it shows all of me , but in the chatroom camera box it just shows my stomach area (not a pretty site !) When I use Cyberlink Power Director I can see the wholse screen, so it appears to be a software issue rather than a setting on my camera - but I stand to be corrected. The site is using Adobe flash player. I have tried re-installing Flash player, but that hasnt resolved the issue. I have version Maybe I need to install a previous version as I noted the last update to it was March 29th 2012. Appreciate any help here . Thank you.
I have now been told by the website that its a fault with the latest version of Adobe flash player. Can somebody please tell me how to install a previous version? I was sent a link to a zipped file but dont know whoch file from it to run ? http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/installers/archive/fp_11.1.102.63_archive.zip Thanks
Issue fixed myself - if anybody else has it it is Adobe flash player thats caused the issue. Go back a version.