Hey everyone. My games run very slow and I cannot choose some graphics options in some games. Like in Half Life 2, I cant turn on reflection or anti-aliasing. The shadows are very bad in that game as well. It also runs slow, regardless of what settings i have on. I think i may have an onboard graphics card, which i hear is no good for gaming. These are the games i want to play the most... -The Sims 2 -Garry's Mod (Basically Half Life 2) -Team Fortress 2 If anyone knows about a video card that can run these games at full settings, please let me know. I have a HP Pavilion Intel Celeron Processor Vista Home Premium computer i bought HP direct. I have 2.00 GB of ram. Windows Experiance rated my computer as a 3.2. Im not sure what else is needed to figure out a new video card. Im looking for a card that is affordable. Maybe around the 200 dollar range. I also do not think that im getting the full effect of of my Aero Vista theme either. I was under the impression that i looked better than it does now. I guess my video card really sucks. Was looking around for a card earlier and forgot to ask something. Does anyone think this video card would work well on my computer? I seen a reveiw that said HL2 and TF2 runs well at settings maxed. Should i trust it? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814143119 Nevermind that. I also seen reveiws that said the card was enormous. My case is not very big. I dont think that would work out.
for $10 more, you can get the ATi HD4850. one of the top cards right now, and at a decent price/performance ratio. but you will need a new power supply, guaranteed. like ddp asked, we need to know the model first, before buying anything.
The model number? It says a6300t. You say i need a new power supply? Do you mean a new power cable? Heres a link to the HP page of my model... http://search.hp.com/query.html?cc=us&lang=en&qt=a6300t&la=en Sorry to keep editing, but do you think this card will still be good in a couple of motnhs? I dont have the money for this right now. This is the card right? http://www.motherboards.org/reviews/hardware/1788_1.html
this is why your video card sucks as it is Integrated Graphics (Intel GMA 950 Graphics). power supply is 250 Watts. Product Specifications link http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/...36&lc=en&cc=ca&dlc=en&product=3659700&lang=en Motherboard Specifications link http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/...37&lc=en&cc=ca&dlc=en&product=3659700&lang=en
Ok then. So i get a new power supply and that video card and my games will be perfect, right? But what type of power supply? How many watts? What fan do you reccomend to me? Are video cards and power supplys easy to isntall? They dont require any soldering, do they? So far i need to get... -ATi HD4850 Video card (found one at newegg) -Power supply. Wattage unknown thus far. Sorry for the questions. Im just really eagar to get this stuff fixed up right.
Heres the newegg page. What exactly do i look under? I seen 625MHz and 400MHz. Is either of these power supplys? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102747
that is an amd cpu which won't fit your board at all. power supplies link. http://www.newegg.com/Store/SubCategory.aspx?SubCategory=58&name=Power-Supplies
Do you think this is enough? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817371009 Nevermind. This power supply is perfect. I read the despription on the makers site and said the video card requires 450 watts. The one im getting is a 850 watt and has good reveiws. As soon as i get the money for this stuff i will be back to tell you all my results. Wish me luck.
i think way more the enough. my nic is my initals minus 1 letter. i've been using those initals for about 32 yrs which is longer then the wrestler been wrestling so i have senority.
Awesome man. Anyway, do you think i should aim for a lower wattage than the one im trying to get? Or would this work fine?
Money is not a factor for me. I just landed a job that pays 13 dollars an hour and i work full time all week and can put in overtime. (didnt intend to brag) I just want something that will last and work good at the same time.
grab a corsair 520HX. very solid and stable, and costs $20 less. many members recommend corsair units.
no. power supply has usually at mosr 4 screws holding it in place on frame. remember how it come off & out including diconnections from drives & motherboard then do the reverse when installing the new psu.
Thankyou all very much for your help. Especialy you, ddp, youve been the biggest help. Im putting my trust into all of your advice and doing as you all said. I hope none of you gave me false info, but im sure i dont have to expect such a thing from the afterdawn forums. Once again...Thank you all. Youve all been a great help. As i have mentioned before, i will be sure to post my results here in a couple of weeks to let you all know how it came along.