Is there any chance someone can explain video cards to me? I'm just wondering what all the numbers mean. Yes this is a extremely newbie question, bu that's what I am when it comes to this.
well pretty much the basics of what the versions mean, how to tell the different powers. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
what do you mean by different versions & power??? do you mean the amount of ram & the agp 2x 4x 8x speed???
Yah basically what all that stuff means like i have a GeForce MX 4000 128 DDR GDP 8x/4x. What Does This mean? And no tjust what I have, what does this stuff mean in genral. Sorry I'm not trying to be a pain I'm just curious. Thanks in advance
no problem. each x refers to the agp bus speed usually 66mhz x the number 2,4 or 8 so 2x66=132mhz, 4x66=264 & 8x66=528mhz. but that 66 bus speed is based on the main bus speed of cpu being 100mhz. pci bus speed is usually 33mhz. the 128 means 128megs of ddr type of ram which your motherboard is probably running
Thanks I think I'm starting to get it, I have a fair knowledge on everything else just I gapped out on this certain subject.
If you want to know how good if a video card for you first check what king of game you're playing if it's shoothing game with fast action you need a good card if it's sport game a average card is good most of the time the game requirement is on the box or on the read me file with the game. their is 2 major video card for gaming ATI and Nvidia the 2 compagny are major rival both offer good high end card but ATI offer good average and low end card. check the spec for what you need know witch card you would like to have. I have buy my actual video card over the net and the card i own right now is not even for sale in big number here in montreal
Just as a follow up question if anyone is still reading any of this, would a Nvidia Geforce FX5200XT AGP 8x 128ddr or a Geforce mx 4000 128ddr AGP 8x/4x be better?
the FX5200 is better since the cpu of the fx5200 know to do more stuff than the mx4000. But a Geforce4ti will have better frame rate thant the fx5200 that the problem you muste read everything about a card you want to buy if you want a budget card with good result go to ATI a ATI radeon 9200 is better thant a FX 5200 and cheaper in the price