I just converted some 8mm home movies to AVI files using DAZZLE. My problem is, when I went to email them to family & friends EVERYONE of them was returned as the file was too big. My question is....where do I find a tool (pref free) where I can get some type of video compression where as all the preson on the other end has to do is, point and click to view the movie? Also, a tool and or software where it is pretty easy to us. Thanks In Advance! Jimmy Z PLEASE HELP ME!!!!
Check this link: http://www.videohelp.com/dvd Scroll to bottom of page to see video size comparisons. E-mail has size limitations and then there is bandwidth considerations. That's why people convert to smaller formats among other reasons. The "new" mpeg4 format holds promise for video conferencing and needs like yours. Check into avi conversion guides. Haven't done much emailing like you'er doing so sorry couldn't be more help.
The best thing to use for emailing video is Windows movie maker. When saving your project, choose a size that's going to work for everyone. 56kdialup is one option, and generates a very small file. Quality isn't great, but it's watchable. Play with different settings.
windows movie maker [bold]is[/bold] lousy. I have been wondering about KVCD and the picture quality...
I didn't say wmm was good quality. I said it's watchable, and small enough for email. A highly compressed .avi would be slightly larger. Even a KVCD or KDVD is going to be much larger than wmv or avi.