b]A few Videos of what you can do with a NDS and a DS-X..[/b] [/size] Also a video of some Homebrew games for the DS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1psN2r_nBsA And a video of NESDS and a sega emulator for the DS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fwd0J1bM-Og video of the firmware (caution may jack up your ds-X) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgIOrcIX5kI Video after i put new Firmware 1.1.0 on DS-X http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgIOrcIX5kI[/center] Basic Video of how and whare to get Roms and unzip them to a DS-X card http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-G3byOmOqcg
Thanks for putting them up. Interesting to watch but it's ultimately nothing the M3 and R4 couldnt handle and U cant seem to change the memory on the DS-X which is another big minus.
No but it's a bit easer moveing files across and stuff.. and less pices to loose .. it is just a card and a cable.. if you know how to drop and drag your set.... and how much memry do you need.. most NDS games are under 100 meg and if you want to play movies I wouldent use a NDS
Right but you have 500MB to work with on your $120.00 DS-X. My $50.00 R4DS and two $15.00 1GB microSD cards come out to a grand total of $80.00, 2GB of space and I can drag&drop just as easily as you can. Not to mention that despite the fact that we can both run ROMS, I can hold 2x as many as you can on one microSD card, and still have the other one for me to fill with music, making my DS into a spiffy mp3 player. Works great with bitrates of even 320kbps, no choppyness, holds 6+ albums and 2 ROMS (BrainAge & New Super Mario Bros.) All for less than you paid. With the same functionality and more.