For the past few weeks the DVD player in my media center has been pausing when playing back DVD's or .avi files. This pause occurs every 20 minutes or so and lasts about 5 or 10 seconds. It almost seems as though the drive isn't fast enough to play the video and has to stop and load it back up. It is particularly confusing to me because it worked just fine for nearly a year, and just started out of the blue. I added a DVD writer and it does the same thing as well. Any help would be appreciated. They are: Sony DVD-Rom DDU1615 Lite-On DVDRW SOHW 16335
Just to clarify... The video pauses on a frame and after 5 seconds or so the audio starts and after a second or two the video starts and speeds up to catch up to the audio. My computer specs: AMD Sempron 1.5 Ghz 512 MB Ram 80 Gig HD (only 20gig full) Again, my computer worked fine for a year, but for no reason started doing this. Thanks.