Hey guys, I've been around here before and have been helped a number of times. I'm hoping I can get some info on this... Any video I try to play on my computer (including videos embedded in sites) are supersaturated. I downloaded ALShow and it works ok because you can change all the contrast, saturation, brightness, etc (fixed a couple other weird codec problems, too)...but it's really hard to get the colors right. When I take a screenshot, the picture has perfect coloring...not at all what I see when I watch the video. Any information on what I need to do for this?!?! Thanks!
no...it's just a cheap card on this crappy computer that I got second hand because I have no money..."SiS 315" or something like that. I opened some videos in WMP and changed some of the "Advanced" options under "Performance" (the YUV flipping and overlays and whatnots) and it cleaned it up and it looks better now. But I still have the problem with ALShow (which I prefer over WMP)...WMP is really slow when the file is an avi. ALShow plays avi fine, but still has the color problem.
Well I've never heard of Alshow before, sounds like a VLC Player clone. I did note this at their site: Advanced Video Controls: Fine tune brightness, contrast, hue and saturation You might want to try VLC and see if it suits you better. http://www.videolan.org/vlc/
It works, but...I got so excited about the colors being right that I neglected to check anything else, so I edited this post... If I make the video "double" or "fullscreen" it becomes very very jumpy and blocky. If it's "original" (normal size), it runs fine. I first thought it was just because the crappy video card, but then I remembered that ALShow played videos fullscreen without any problem. Any info on this new development? I might just go back to ALShow and mess with fine tuning the colors myself if VLC isn't going to let me play stuff fullscreen.