Hello there... how are you guys? Sorry for not showing around as much as before, but this newborn has taken away most of my leisure time in front of the PC. Nevertheless yesterday I was trying to re-encode the DVD from my wedding and some dounts aroused. I used Decrypter to put it on my HD and then I tried PVA Strumento for demuxing. The final output was not satisfactory because the image sort of stuttered and there was no sound at all. What do I mean by "stuttering"? Well, the video seemed to cut briefly every 3 or 4 seconds (like those old movies from Charles Chaplin). OK. I opened DVDLab then and demuxed from there and it worked fine. I had a pcm audio file although which DVDLab didn't accept until converted to WAV, weird huh? Now another problem because my DVD was in NTSC 29.97 and my brand new project was in PAL, thus I wanted to convert that using Mainconcept. But Mainconcept kept telling me that there were errors and didn't finish the conversion at all. Any hints guys? Suggestions? I feel very tired (sleeping few hours) and couldn't concentrate on trying to look for posible explanations to this. Any assistance welcomed! Cheers Tom
Use ReJig (in file mode) to get it onto your hard drive. Use DGPulldown to make the video 25fps. Use FFmpeggui to make the audio mp2. Author the m2v and mp2.
Hi there Jim... I´ve used DGPulldown to convert it from 29.97 to 25 but it informed me that there was an error because the target rate must not be great than 1.5 (?)... what is that???
It's bitrate is too high. Re-encode it at a lower (combined audio and video) bitrate (less than 9000kbps max).
so, what you say is to demux it again, re-encode it in NTSC and finally pulldown to PAL? is that correct?
Okay... this is the problem I've mentioned After demuxing with ReJig this is the Video file I get. Notice that the bitrate is 5000 bps This is the audio file and what AVICodec says about it. ReJig gave me a pcm file that DVDLab converted to wav.
PVAStrumento is giving an error, because the file is mpeg-1 VCD, not mpeg-2. It's also an m2v, which PVAS thinks is an already demuxed mpeg-2 video, not m1v (which it should be, if it's VCD/mpeg-1). If you're using DVDLab, just import the .vob from the DVD directly. Have DVDLab "join and demux" when prompted. This should give you an m2v and whatever audio is actually on the DVD. You can then transcode the audio to mp2 or ac3 in ffmpeggui, and use dgpulldown on the m2v. If the file REALLY is an mpeg-1, then you'll have to re-encode it to mpeg-2 at the same framerate, then use dgpulldown.
the file is MPEG-2 because I've demuxed it from a DVD, non? Nevertheless AVICodec shows it as an MPEG-1, very weird the audio file DVDLab Pro gave me when demuxing is a pcm file. The very same DVDLab offered to convert it to WAV with an add-in tool it has. I've demuxed with DVDLab Pro (like u mention) and with ReJig. Both gave me an identical file (the same size I mean) but when I try to use DGPulldown to convert it from NTSC 29.97 to PAL 25 fps I get the error mentioned at point 1 (with both files that is)
There's something unusual about the way the original was authored. All software thinks it's mpeg-1 and has MP3 audio (which is totally crap for DVD!). It may be the way Decrypter is putting it on your hard drive. Try having DVDLab demux the vob's directly from the disk. Try having ReJig demux directly from the disk.
the rate thing. i don't think dgpulldown does that, 29.97 ->25fps. must you really go to pal ? newer dvd players and tv can handle both ntsc and pal. check if yours does, that will save you the trouble. if your video is full frames 29.97, decimating will make it stutter. how i would do it ? maybe using avisynth convertfps() ?
The thing is I want to make a compilation of several videos where 90% of them are PAL. That's why I want to convert that single one to PAL. I encoded directly from the disc using ReJig, like rebootjim said, and AVICodec says it's MPG-1 like my previous image.