I've got a 30gb ipod 5th Gen video ipod. I've converted the videos from my library for my ipod and transfered. The video plays with no problem on my ipod but i have no sound! please help! i asked in the apple store and they said to check that i have latest version of quicktunes which i do. ive also checked on the format of the video (as it recommends on apple website) and i cant see any problem! im using itunes with windows XP and have no problems with anything else. please help?!!!
i believe the video you have is the muxed one, which mean the video and audio has been mixed, iTune can not solve this problem, i am using cucusoft, it works great for me for these muxed videos, you can download from http://www.allforvideo.com/download/iPodSuit_r56510.exe, good luck!
using itunes. ive checked to see if the videos are muxed and it doesnt say they are. om downloading videos from bearshare/livewire and the video and sound plays fine on itunes it just when i convert it. ive tried loads of videos and they do the same thing.
I don't understand how you can convert videos in iTunes.... You should have a look at the guides stickyed by myself abd dkmopq and get your videos properly converted..