now got mp3 player working,but still cannot seem to be able to watch videos,got homebrew,just found dsvideo player but cannot find video converter,any ideas thanks dave
Use google to find SUPER converter, this will convert any format to any other - you have to convert video to .dpg format to play on moonshell
found another converter now which has converted file for me,dragged new file to card but how do i play it,bet your all sorry i found your site arnt you. regards Dave
On your card you should have Moonshell, this is the .dpg player used by most flash carts, you need to start moonshell and play the film. Sorry I cant be more specific but I use an M3 real flashcard and this has a modified version of moonshell
thanks for all your help didnt know how to switch moonshine on but found it now,wheres the best place to get other moonshine apps. thanks again Dave great site even for a nooob like me
For homebrew look on in the forums they have a whole homebrew section and they also host the files