From my understanding you can burn a Video_TS folder to the disk and watch a movie, if thats right. So then why would you want to convert the Video_TS folder to an iso imgage with Imgburn?
As in life, all things are not created equally. The same goes for burning engines. Imgburn, IMHO, is about the best(and most stable) burning engine out there (and free). Most people report very few problems using Imgburn to burn their projects vs other burning engines (as Nero,eg)( many,many more burning issues). The choice is yours (but I would pick Imgburn). Imgburn only burns Iso files.
heres a guide to burn a Video_TS folder with imgburn
^ as above ^ it does both i save my dvds as iso as its 1 file ready to go, video ts is many files and needs loading a different way to burning apps, i have imgburn set on iso, i click the iso and imgburn loads up ready to burn, i just click go... easy... iso is only a wrapper holding the many files/video ts inside, both sort of same thing really...
If you have an ISO file, it is one file with all the info to burn DVD. Video_TS has many VOB so, if by any chance, you delete one of them or one get corrupted, than you are done. ImgBurn will burn both types and resulting files on DVD will be AUDIO_TS and VIDEO_TS folders with all files in Video folder. ISO file is not converting video, it just store DVD structure information in different format.
Can I save an image file with imgburn and then later (months) if I need to get into a img file (maybe make changes to a file, like taking out menus, etc.) is there a way to convert it back to a Video_TS folder? Thanks, Steve
imgburn or dvd shrink will make it iso... dvd shrink will load the iso back in for taking menu out... winrar will extract the iso back to folders/files so will dvd shrink... plenty apps about for this...
That has been my process to always create the iso image. I saw some arguments in other topics about the waste of time it is to make the iso. Thanks everyone for the input. I wouldn't consider it stealing, the thread is started about iso's and video folders and you wanting to know if you can edit later is insight for me too.
I have a couple of USB drives (120gig & 320 gigs) to store all iso, pic,. I have a laptop so I guess that's really the best I can do for a slave drive, right?