Hey I just got a sleek black ipod video 30g and i want to upload my dvds on it i've just installed videora and the only problem is that when I pop the dvd in the computer I don't know how to get to movie on videora anybody know what to do. Thanks in advance.
You need to rip the VOB file from the DVD first and then convert it. I recommend using DVD Decrypter or DVD Shrink to RIP the VOB file as a whole. You can the convert the VOB file to MP4 using Videora.
Did you try Recode2 ???? Much easier. I did try a couple, mpeg and music video. Worked great. Check here for guide. Zimer
There is a good guide here - worked flawlessly. I was waiting for someone to show the steps for DVD Shrink - Anyone? http://www.videora.com/en-us/Converter/guides.html Takes about 75 mins for Videora to process a ripped dvd after using DVD Decrypter, so just hit start and walk away. Would increasing my pc ram help speed this up? I have 1g now and a P4 2.8g processor????????