Hi All I expect you can guess I am entirely new to this even though my grown up kids think I am too hold to be messing around. However can anyone help. I downloaded a film which file ends DVX.avi. When I try to view it in Winamp, I only get audio and no visual. What do I need to do to actually view the film? Do I need to convert it into a different formalt? Any help would be great
simple, one im assuming it was a non commercial film eg a home movie that your downloaded.. thats fine because if it was a proper film thats been at cinemas etc then its piracy and rule number 5 says no piracy if it a home video (off sorts) tho then you can view it in RealPlayer, or nero show-time no need to convert if u wanna watch on computer
You don't need to do any converting but need to download the DiVX codec. I'd recommend this free prog for viewing:- http://download.com.com/3000-2194-10062728.html?legacy=cnet Loner: please think before posting.
grammar, tense and the ability of people to read your posts. You cannot watch DiVX movies in any application unless you have the correct codec installed.
i can with realplayer.... and theres nothing wrong with the ability to read my posts tense? the right tense? dude its writing a simple reply i relaly dont think its an english essay, ok my grammer wasent perfect but hey i type fast accidents happen