I have 2 setlite every thing is fine for short time and then one work and the other goes in to Auto Role or no signal. Please help me.
What sats are you on? Do you have the latest bins? Have you checked your sat settings? Have you checked your cables and hookups? Have you checked to see if you are getting the proper power to the lnbs? Have you checked your switches? Have you checked your dish alignment? You have a lot of checking to do.
Thanks Billo I have Extreme and i am on 61.5 and 91. I have latest bins. My cables and hooks are good.Dish alignment are good as well.If you can please tell me what kind of sat setting i should have.How to check the power on lnbs and what switches are you talking.I am new in this so please for give me if i ask to many question. Thanks again Billo
Go into your settings and turn off 61.5 and then scan 91. Then turn off 91 and scan 61.5, Try this and see if things work.