Viewsonic CRT Help, wont turn on, but OS Works

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by deezp1, Dec 10, 2006.

  1. deezp1

    deezp1 Regular member

    Jul 30, 2003
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    This is weird Story.

    I was fixing my frieds PC and when I plugged it into my Monitor, the monitor would say that it wasnt getting a signal. All the fans were spinning, everything looked fine but no signal. Checked the connection and everything looked good. Restarted again and got the same result.

    I decided to work on his PC later. So I decided to plug the monitor back into my PC. I booted my machine and got the same result. The weird thing is the pc booted up fine (The OS was running; I heard the XP startup sounds and I was able to FTP into the PC).

    Now I have never had any Monitor problems before and it is only about 3 years old(its a 19" Viewsonic CRT). I tried unplugging the CRT completly for about a day to let it rest, but that did not work. Im at a total loss and I dont know anyone who has ever had a problem even remotely like this. I NEED HELP

    Could it be possible that my friends PC did something to my monitor (i doubt it but doesnt hurt to ask)?
    Could it be a total coincidence that my monitor died win I was fixing his PC?
    Could my monitor give me absolutely no warning before it died
    Or Could it be the vga cable for the monitor and if it is could I replace it?

    Thanks in advanced
  2. deezp1

    deezp1 Regular member

    Jul 30, 2003
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    Its not the monitor, I tested it with a laptop and it worked fine. So it must be the PC somehow, but Im at a loss on why it worked before and it doesnt work now. All of my parts are fairly new (all bought within the last few months and I never had a problem before.

    any help would be great

  3. bkf

    bkf Guest

    What was the exact message you saw or did it just go black. Viewsonics are very touchy with refresh rates and video cards. You might try using the buttons on the front to default the settings.
    I have one my self.
  4. deezp1

    deezp1 Regular member

    Jul 30, 2003
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    All it said was "Please Check Signal". Actually It says nothing if I boot the PC while its on standby mode. It only says "please check Signal" If turn off the Monitor and then turn it back on. When I turn it off and on it goes directly to standby mode and if I boot while its in standby mode it does nothing.

  5. bkf

    bkf Guest

    I would have a hard time thinking two video cards on 2 pc's went bad. How does the connector look?

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