Please would be nice , they have not changed you can check them here
its very strange that my starview is doing the same as it did b4 i changed the last codes in july.... so i think its telling me the codes have changed
Check them in any case as they sometimes default or a single digit may change if their is work going on in your area.
in the middle of my screen is .. info data is being updated(100%) then just a blank screen some movies chans are still working but nothing else
Hi Checked my codes and 00 had changed and 01 had the 1st digit changed. Re-entered old codes but still getting"data is being updated" are you sure codes are the same for Telepest scotland?
Codes have changed only this morning I have the new N** one but I am looking for the others. From what you said above you have new codes am I correct? If so can you post them for me to check.
Scouser, you should get a wage for this. Thanks for all your help, past and present. It's been ages since my box went down. I remember when it needed sorting nearly every day for about a week. Was that July? Thank goodness it's been fine for ages. I should really update all my info. but it's laziness to disconnect & attach to PCetc. I'm in Fife, on TW. Mine went down about an hour ago and my neighbour's too. Guess what, she usually pays a "friend" £20 to update her box. And she's a pensioner. I did it for her the last time and I'll get her sorted today as soon as I get the codes. Just the thought that she thinks I'm some sort of great techie is payment enough for me, lol.
No problem fair play to you and god help the robber who does it for her probably comes on here for the info I am finding it hard to get both the telepest and exC** codes. I think we have helped too many people update their boxes LOL. Any chance you what to update your and post the codes here,
My hubby's just popped off to another neighbour's house. We bought them their box from ebay a couple of weeks ago. We think their box might be working 'cos it's got up-to-date software on it so hopefully he'll come back with the codes .
Thanks, he's just back with these too, I'll post them here anyway. 00 - 26 86 97 c8 fe db e7 f2 01 - 51 6d 0f 08 41 bb d5 d8
Very strange - I've just updated my info with the numbers above and all the channels are up and working again. But I've checked them against the ones in the other thread and they're totally different????
Shut my gob. I was looking at an old thread. The above numbers work for me though, hope they help someone else.
It looks like it. I've just double and triple checked the numbers again and everything's working fine now.