i have clonedvd2, clonecd, and anydvd. i see now they have virtual clone drive. i also have nero ultra that has virtual drive . And i have read some about daemon virtual drive. Is one better than the other or do they all do the same? Does one do more than the other?
If you only want to backup DVD Movies then all u need is: 1.DVD Fab Decrypter 2.DVD Shrink 3.AnyDVD 4.CloneDVD This combination works like a charm. Virtual Drive programs are mostly used for if u have a CD that has some write protection on it that it creates a goust image and then u can copy the ghost too an actual disc.
If you have AnyDVD that all you will ever need. Other decrypters usually will cause problems if they are both running at the same time. If you spent money on AnyDVD it was the best investment you will make. Leave the others alone.
I dont disagree AnyDVD is the best but im saying use DVDFab Decrypter as a backup. The 2 programs do not have any conflict with each other. I use DVDFab Decrypter all the time since DVD Decrypter is long gone. It is a suitable replacement.
I thank you guys for the reply to my question. But it is geting way off topic now. You guys are not even talking about what i asked when I started this thread.