i downloaded the free trial version, then bacame interested in the game and bought the full version. i was wondering is anyone can help me out with a walk through or some hints. I find the game really slow, is that normal? please any help is great... Thanks!!!!!
what machine or console is this game for ?, then i can teleport this thread to the correct forum then you'll find the answers you need
It's for the Mac and PC. Can't seem to find any walkthroughs o_0 edit-- There don't seem to be any walkthroughs yet since the game was released this month.
i see. i've done a quick google and i can't find anything, but now i've seen some info on this game (http://www.ldw.com/virtualvillagers/index.html) i'll have to get it for my kids, cheers. have renamed the thread title slightly, maybe when the game's been out a while people will drop by with some answers
Than kyou everyone for trying to help me out, and so quickly... I appreciate your help. Has anyone played the game yet?
Hiya I have started to play this game and have solved 6 out of the 16 puzzles and they were relatively easy. Just trying to build up my tech points now!! If you need any help let me know - good luck!
yeah, i agree it starts out easy. ive got 11 puzzles solved now and have bought everything you can buy with the tech points and have heaps of food and 90 villagers, but i can't move that boulder. any ideas? ive tried using masters of every skill, nobody can do it yet. been stuck on it all day.
I believe only yhe golden child can remove the boulder and only in his/her time. Check out this spoiler: http://www.ldwsoftware.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=25104&an=0&page=0#Post25104
AWESOME thanks so much you have NO idea how much time you've just saved me! i was just about to give up. thanks again eh you're the best
AWESOME thanks so much you have NO idea how much time you've just saved me! i was just about to give up. thanks again eh you're the best
creaky,are you not aware that virtual villagers was advertised on ad(at the top of each page).just a thought as i see "what machine or console is this game for ?" told me otherwise
What are some of the other milestones, i have the well, the pond, the school, the hut/building the school.. what are some other, i know aobut the boulder but still can't get anywhere with it. How long did it take you to get your tech point up to upgrade everything? anyhelp is great.. thanks
Some of the other puzzles include discovering the graveyard so you can bury your dead, re-building the ruins and getting enough tech points to get the villagers to fish. I have left my villagers for a day and have gone from 20000 tech points to 45000. I need 50000 to get level 3 of harvesting- its a pain but I guess you have to be patient. I have posted a spoiler site address above if you are interested.
I have completed all the puzzles, and as you know the last one is opening the cave. After the cave was opened, I could send someone and up came a screen where I could read a little blurb... it ends like there is more to it.., anyone know anything??? I still have to research my medicine. i need 200,000 tech points still which i will have by morning... I will let you know what happens. thank you all!!
I have just finished playing this game, and I loved it so much. The ending was kinda weird and made me wonder if I actually have finished or not :S I have completed all 16 tasks and all the technologies...now what? The game still plays, but nothing more seems to happen, boo hoo! I have so much food I could feed them for the millenium! haha If anyone wants any help, just ask, I can help out
Oh, and a cheeky cheat if you dont want to wait for tech points is to set your PC clock forward and hour when you close it down. Then if you open it again immediately you are an hour advanced. Dont set the time forward too far cause people die!! WAH! haha
Hi, I tested the free version, and I dont know the passwort that I need to play that. does someone have that? my mail: [bold]removed[/bold]