VirtualDub fibbing about audio codecs?

Discussion in 'MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 encoding (AVI to DVD)' started by CraigJohn, Apr 11, 2005.

  1. CraigJohn

    CraigJohn Member

    Apr 11, 2005
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    VirtualDub 1.5.10 is giving me grief when I try to split some WAVs out of the .AVI files I have – note that this only happens on a very few files, and these always have – in File Information – an audio stream compression value of “Unknown (tag 0055)”. Trying to make a WAV out of these files always gives:-

    “Error initializing audio stream decompression: The requested conversion is not possible. Check to make sure you have the required codec.”

    Now, I’ve used both AVICODEC and GSPOT, both of which tell me the AVI files have a perfectly valid MPEG-1 Layer-3 audio encoding, and GSPOT even tells me that I have four valid codecs installed to read this…except VirtualDub doesn’t suss this.

    It’s 2 channel, not 5, so not that AC3 problem, and although I can use AVI2WAV to get a wave file, it is horribly unsynchronised with the video (presumably because the original is sampled at 48kHz and AVI2WAV keeps this, whilst VirtualDub lets one change it to 44.1KHz?)

    As I say, this only occurs on a very few .AVIs, but it’s really annoying that this is happening…why does VirtualDub not recognise the codec, when AVICODEC and GSPOT do? What can I do about it?
  2. aldaco12

    aldaco12 Active member

    Nov 6, 2002
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    Sorry I can't help you on codecs. But I can suggest you to use one of those very beautiful (and free) application: BeSweet (+ Besweet GUI, and HeadAC3he ( Just be careful to the kbps of the conversion and on the sampling rate. HeadAC3he is more straightforward, BeSweet forces you to edit some settings on the associated codecs (Azid, lame) to be sure thet the 'downsampling' 48 -> 44.1 kHz is done. HeadAC3he is defintely the most straightforward one. BeSweet allows you to make more conversions (uses more 'profiles').
  3. CraigJohn

    CraigJohn Member

    Apr 11, 2005
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    Thanks for the suggestions - Headac3he doesn't seem to allow .AVIs to be loaded, and BeSweet just falls over with Invalid Input File Format. Maybe there's something about the .AVI, that whilst it plays fine, there's a corrupt bit somewhere?
  4. aldaco12

    aldaco12 Active member

    Nov 6, 2002
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    No. Load that file with VirtualDub, keep Audio__Direct Stream Copy (the defalut) and do File___Save WAV. The 'WAV' file that exits is NOT an uncompressed WAV file but that MP3 we're talking about.
    If you load the AVI with VirtualDubMod Stream__Stream List you'll see the correct type. Clicking 'Demux' will demuz it with the corrrect extension, but no differenca...

    I though you know how to do it, sorry...
  5. CraigJohn

    CraigJohn Member

    Apr 11, 2005
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    Don't assume I know how to do anything ;-)

    So what you're saying is to use VirtualDub to save as one type of .WAV file, and then use BeSweet to convert this .WAV to an uncompressed PCM version? After this, the PCM WAV and the AVI can be combined via TMPGetc and it should tie up?

    OK, will give it a bash.

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