virus identification problem

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by greenthum, Sep 10, 2004.

  1. greenthum

    greenthum Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    hi can anybody help i had a mates computer over on my network last night and when we were ripping cds/dvds it just up and switched off and rebooted, it was a p4 2.4 packard bell nothing changed, then a few seconds later my systems all started having the same symptoms, it killed norton 2004 a/v on all 4 systems i cant uninstall, repair or reinstall a/v of any sort , tried stinger, tried full reformat , fdisk, fresh new hd is this thing residing in the bios?????
    can anybody help im even getting denial of service on net connection, even after clean install restart seems to trigger payload again and again HHHHHEEELLLPPP Please
  2. The_OGS

    The_OGS Active member

    Feb 18, 2004
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    Wow that's harsh eh buddy?...
    I guess your friend's PC was full of little 'surprises' that ran amok.
    You need to get 1 PC going with HD fresh new (or busted out with delpart) and known-good OS on CD-Rom.
    No network.
    If you can get 1 standalone PC going, updated with latest security updates, browser immunized by Spybot Search & Destroy, and up-to-date AntiVirus running, then there is hope :)
    You can rebuild your PCs one by one (not networked).
    The problem is your 'keeper' files/data.
    At some point they are gonna have to be disinfected (or discarded!) These are gonna be the source of your problems...
    I recommend you setup 1 functioning standalone (as above) and then, you can bring in the harddisk with important infected stuff on it, and introduce it on the second controller.
    Immediately disinfect.
    When the OS is not running from that HD, the infectious PC pathogens have no defense, and will be in slumber. Get 'em while they sleep :)
    It is a real challenge to disinfect an OS while that OS is running, y'know?
    Hope this helps.
    Whatta world eh? These virus-attack authors should all be shot & pissed on; they are a hazard to PCs everywhere.
    The trick is to update/immunize everything, or it will quickly become reinfected again...
    Let us know how you make out,
  3. greenthum

    greenthum Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    tnks the_ogs, tried another way and got good results, flashed bios on m\board, fdisk, new partition, installed win 98(jeeezz how did we ever use it, so unstable), installed panda titanium antivirus, updated it to the hilt, (used win 98 caus most viruses are written for XP), added next systems hd, antivirused it,bios flash system and so on and so on thanks for usefull advice tho..

    ta m8

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