I have attempted to download Nero 7850 trial but have had virus issues which I have passed to my security provider.After Bullguard finds and blocks the infection I try to install Nero but have these problems.After the program installs I click on startsmart.This brings up dialog box sating LS_HSI and refers to the fact that I do not have the installation disc.After cancelling this a few times I then try to open burning rom.The program then freezes. I've posted on this topic before but got no response. Advice anyone?
This is a link from Nero on but sounds like it may be the case here too (?): No Virus Threat in Nero Where are you downloading Nero from? If not their site then download from there. Uninstall Nero, run the clean tool update your virus protection definitions (if not up to date) and reinstall Nero.
This infection has come from the Nero 7 trial page on Nero.com.I have tried uninstalling and running clean tools.The reinstalled file still shows an infection.My virus definitions are updated daily. The testing team at Bullguard are looking at my scan logs.Nero by the way deny that their downloads are affected.
sounds to me like you actually have a problem already and it links itself or downloads at the time when you access other pages, its definately not neros fault, they didnt give you the virus, i guarantee you if you format your computer (or try someone elses) and go to nero.com and download that file again you wont get the virus. your comps already got the problem and automatically does things whenever you access other pages like redirects you or puts up a pop up or just activates or adds itself into an exe whenever you run an exe file.
The infection comes at the end of the installation when toolbar.exe tries to load. My security provider (Bullguard) have taken it seriously enough to refer it to their testing team.I've downloaded other software this weekend with no problem.
The toolbar.exe is an addon for ask.com. I wouldn't install that - you can uncheck it so that it's not installed. I don't install these extra pieces of junk. But even so a virus shouldn't be there whether or not you choose to install it. I've download Nero many times and have run different virus scans - no problems on my end at least. Depending on how Bullguard has their heuristic virus analysis set might give a false positive. Not saying that's the case but can happen. Please keep us posted on what Bullguard finds - inquiring minds would like to know
I am having the same problem with Nero 7 on Vista with Bullguard citing toolbar.exe as a problem. I am currently running the Nero cleaning tool but frequently get a message saying "could not open the log file" but it is progressing after a fashion. FREDPY
Bullguard has given me the same reason i.e.toolbar.exe. They asked for the details on this weeks ago and promised to respond but have yet to do so. I attempted to download the update 7960 from the Nero website last week and again had the virus issue. I have since downloaded it from product set up with no problem.
Just thought i would mention, that LS_HSI is the lightscribe software installer. I once had an issue with this myself which would result in nero freezing up. As far as the malware is concerned , i havent had any issues installing the lastest nero updates , I cant comment on bullguard i run nod32 and it states that nero 7 is clean.
Fredpy, If you run Bullguard,it will tell you where toolbar.exe is.The program should quarantine it.If not,send Bullguard your scan log and they will e-mail with a solution.I did it with no probs!
If possible find a site that has the Nero versions without the Ask toolbar. Nero- , for example. Older versions had the Yahoo option, but you could get Nero- on some sites. ZA Spyware users should get a warning on the regular Nero file: !Not-a-Virus-Toolbar.exe Just click 'ignore' and proceed.