Ever since I download and install vista codec a 20 minute show now converts in 40 minutes instead of 15 minutes and a 1hr 30min movie takes 7hrs in instead of 2hrs are less. I'm useing TMPGEnc 4.0 XPress I've tried alot of others programs but this one works best for me because I can make a pan, or wide screen movie a full screen. And no other program I tried can do that
I just checked IDE Channel in IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers and both say Enable DMA any other Ideas I just tried the Vista Codec Package 4.5.6 Beta to see if that makes any differance and still nothing.
I have heard people being very happy with CCCP (same people angry with the Vista codec pack).If not, try and insatll just the individual codec that you need and see if the pack isthe issue: http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/codecs_and_filters/cccp.cfm http://fileforum.betanews.com/detail/1135350520/1