Vista nightmare, please help.

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by GC_Lad, Jan 31, 2007.

  1. GC_Lad

    GC_Lad Member

    Sep 27, 2006
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    I recently instealled Windows Vista ULTIMATE the retail version, I upgraded from Xp as to keep all my files etc, but the serial key does not work therefore Vista will not allow me access to desktop or anything, only way I can access this website is because on the serial key screen it says "go online to purchase serial key" which then opens my browser, I really would like to know is there a way to simply revert back to XP? I would be tempted to format the whole hard drive but my XP came pre-installed so I would not be able to re-install it would I? Any help appretiated.
  2. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    no reverting back, you have to reinstall XP. and you'll have to do a clean format, as you won't be able to just install over Vista.

    back up your data by pulling your hard drive and putting it in another machine. copy what you want to save to that machine, then put the drive back in your pc and do a format/install of XP.

    pop the drive from the second machine in your clean machine and copy your data back over.

    what do we learn kids? stay away from Vista. ^.~
  3. fastfox

    fastfox Member

    Dec 5, 2004
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    not sure about the comment of staying away from vista, but i`m aware that all versions of vista are on the same disk. The only thing that differs is the serial key depending on which version you have purchased.
    This allows you to up grade to another version of vista by simply ordering a new key online. What i am wondering is that maybe you have been supplied the wrong key or disk to the one you have ordered...
    Contact Microsoft for help my friend
  4. CraCker19

    CraCker19 Member

    Jan 23, 2007
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    firstly are you stuck at activation?
    is it prompting invalid product key?
    ...if you have a legit copy and the 'product key' which you're refering to as 'serial key'is not working
    than you can try changing it
    try calling 0290238155 cd key dept(aussie)
    they will change the product key for you

    *ps keep the cd handy,when u make the call

    and if you want to revert back to xp
    you need to do a clean installation
    you can follow the step by step guidance from

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