I decided to upgrade to Vista from XP. All my old Windows settings and folders were saved to a folder called 'windows.old'. Can i access my settings and programs from this folder to apply to Vista? I did not run the transfer wizard before i did the upgrade. Can anyone help me get my old settings/programs back?
From what i hear, you should be able to install vista over the top of XP and still keep as many of the settings from XP that are replaced by vista. You should not lose any of your old XP files in the process. This is what i have read in a mag. Havn`t tried it myself as i`m staill waiting for my copy of vista to come from microsoft
if you have run the backup utility from xp and saved it on a specific location,you should be able to search it on Vista,that is if you have done a upgrade if you have done a clean install,no way you will get it IF the data is not saved on an external drive simple to check on vista on the vista logo(left hand bottom corner) jus above that there is a search engine just type the file name "windows.old"