I hear alot of people are having issues with the x64, something about drivers. Can I get a few opinions on which I should go with? Also, I'm using a Intel D 3.0, is it x86 or x64? One more question, will vista x64 run on x86? Thank you.
first off all amd and intel processors are x86 based, x64 is just an extension of x86 meaning, it's a 64 bit processor. hence *x86-64*, older processors such as the earlier p4s were 32bit. *x86-32*(a side note x64 processors will also run x32) the best for you to use would be the 32bit version of vista it'll save you alot of time and heartache, x64 is great but windows just isnt ready for it yet... And there are several different versions of windows to support x32 and x64 vista x32 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16832116195 vista x64 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16832116200 and your pentium d is x86-64, so yes it supports x64, but theres no advantage in using a x64 version of vista, vista is new and will be having problems for awhile yet.