Discussion in 'DVDR' started by abgain, Aug 23, 2004.

  1. abgain

    abgain Guest

    Hi All

    I can make backup copies of DVDs smaller than 4.7 Gb OK, and they play ok on my DVD player. With DVDs larger that 4.7, I can extract them to my HDD, and they appear as VOB files (plus a few others). The problem is how to get them on to another DVD+R so that they play in my normal DVD player. It's not a question of size, its a question (I think) of file format.

    When I try copy them as video files, I receive an error that they are not video files. When I copy them as Data, my DVD player won't play them. I know that my DVD player can play DVD+R, because it's the same type of disk I use when I copy smaller DVDs. Do I need to convert them to something else? (I don't understand why, because they are VOB files on the original) If so, is there a free progam that will convert them?

    I apologise if this question is really stupid, but after downloading umpteen DVD writing tools and wasting DVD disks, I reckoned I have to ask.


  2. zippyd

    zippyd Active member

    Aug 4, 2004
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    First... what program are you using to rip the VOB files from the original. For movies larger than 4.7G you need a program that can compress them to fit a satandard 4.7 disc. DVDShrink comes highly recommended on this site. It can decrypt and compress the files but you do need a second program to burn. DVDDecrypter and Nero also come highly recommended for burning. Shrink and Decrypter are free and Nero is a 30 day trial but updates once a month so you can download the free version once a month.
  3. woof811

    woof811 Regular member

    Oct 7, 2003
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    download and install dvd shrink and dvd decrypter .

    dvd shrink will reduce your original to the right size for burning and dvd decrypter will do the burning for you.

    as follows :-

    1, put in your original dvd and open dvd shrink.
    2, select open disc (dvd shrink will now analyze your dvd )
    3, select backup
    4, now under select target backup , you want the ISO Image file and burn with dvd decrypter .
    5, click ok and your done

    dvd shrink will now rip and recode your original dvd ,then burn using dvd decrypter as iff it was an all in one program .

    ( i am asuming you are running windows xp with a ntfs file system , iff your not get back to me )

    happy burning :eek:)
  4. abgain

    abgain Guest


    Thaks very much for the replies and suggestions.

    To answer the questions:
    -I'm using RipDVD, and I'm very happy with it as far as getting the files off. The DVD has several short (< 1 hour) movies on it, and I can get them off individually. As VOB files, they play perfectly on my PC.
    -Size is not a problem, as each one is less than 3Gb.
    -Yes, I'm running WinXP

    I'll give DVD Shrink, Derypter and Nero a try and report back. (I'm going away for 2 weeks, so it will be a while).

    Thanks again.


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