Hello, I have been using Ripit4forme,Dvd Decrypter ,fixvts, and Dvd Shrink to backup my dvds. Lately,I am having a problem playing backup dvd to my standalone dvd. I have read a lot of people are using Dvdfab and vovblanker to backup recently release dvds. I have a Dvdfab 4 plantium edition and lastest version of vobblanker with fixvts. I read a nice tutorial written by Alkohol which was nice and I was able to backup few movies using Dvdfab, fixvts, and vobblanker. However, I still have small question regarding vobblanker. I also read tutorial regarding how to use Dvdfab,vobblanker, and fixvts for backup. After ripping dvd with Dvdfab decrypter next step is to use vobblanker to block or delete unwanted scenes. Dvdfab automatically create video_ts and audio_ts folder in my document/dvdfab/full movie folder. After opening a vobblanker I select the folder for input video manager and create new folder for output folder. Dvdfab ripped Simpson the Movie and I created a output folder on my hard drive. C:\blanker_simpson\video_ts as my output folder. After, selecting block title, FBI warning then press process. When job is finished I now have two video_ts folder. However, my output video_ts folder has only 16-20 files and file size less than 1 GB and when I load dvdshrink from output folder it wouldn't open. What have I done wrong? Do I have to cut & paste output video_ts files to original video_ts.ifo folder? According to Alkoho's guide output video_ts folder was l Gb smaller compare to original vidoe_ts.ifo files. What am I doing wrong? I know my question is kind of silly and stupid, but I appericate all your inputs and advices. Have a nice weekend!
i would uninstall the apps and reload them, it all sounds abit currupted? maybe from updates installed over the top instead of fresh?