Hi all, Im new to all of this as I have just bought a dvd rom, I'll go into what im using it for for better understanding. I was using a Belkin USB video capture card to copy segments of video (astro boy) so I could use them as animation in A.G.S ( Adventure Game Studio), But now with the dvd rom I found I can rip the video to my hard drive and play it back with XMPEG and windows media player but not for playback editing, I need to know how to convert the VOB file to either an AVI or mpeg but with only one program and not 3 or 4 as ive seen in other guids so I can load the clips into animation shop and copy frames to paintshop 8. Is there a program that can do it in one go for free or bought?
Hi Gabrielsb! Try renaming the .vob extension of your files to .mpg in Windows Explorer. Also, there is a program over there 'vob2mpg' or something like that. Maybe I have it in one of my back-up CD's. I will look for it and tell you. Regards