I've searched for other solutions to the same problem and didn't see anything. My apologies if this is a repeat question. I am running VobSub 2.23 and FFDSHOW 529 on my system. When I play back an Xvid avi with external RARed subtitles (I've tried it in Media Player Classic and Windows Media Player 10), I get the following error from either player. In FFDSHOW, I have subtitles enabled and VobSub enabled. The movie/subtitles were generated with AutoGK. I know the subtitles work because they played back with VobSub (same version) and the Xvid codec in the past. I would like to leave VobSub installed, since I use it frequently in conjunction with AutoGK. AVI's with the same setup as above, but without external subs, play back just fine. I am convinced this has something to do with un-RARing the subs as FFDSHOW hands them off to VobSub. Also, I have WinRAR installed on this machine. I don't believe this has to do with a missing/corrupted UNRAR.DLL because I've tried fresh installs. A search of my C drive for UNRAR.DLL returns the following: C:\Program Files\ffdshow\ff_unrar.dll C:\WINDOWS\system32\unrar.dll Does anyone have any suggestions about how to fix this? They would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I found a solution! Download UnRAR.dll from here: http://www.rarlab.com/rar_add.htm Then extract just unrar.dll (and maybe unrar.lib too if you want) to Windows/System32 (replace the one that is there if you want, or rename it) - and it should work! Works for me, anyway.
Did you have WinRAR installed before? I wonder if there is an UnRAR.DLL supplied with WinRAR that is incompatible with FFDSHOW's decompressing of the external subtitles. Thanks for sharing your solution.
Confirmed. The fresh UnRAR.DLL works for me also. Perhaps this fix is only needed when an older version of WinRAR is installed on the system before FFDSHOW is installed.